Peter Liechti film retrospective  

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Father’s Garden – The Love of My Parents

Using puppets, the director consolidates the portrait of his parents into a fictional family tribunal.  A sensitively subtle tribute to the over-eighty generation as it silently takes leave from a world which has long since left them behind.


Film sessions

09.21 Friday
  • Skalvija (Vilnius) 21:00 Presentation

09.26 Wednesday
  • Skalvija (Vilnius) 17:00


Director: Peter Liechti
Screenplay: Peter Liechti
Cinematography: Peter Liechti, Peter Guyer
Editing: Tania Stöcklin
Sound: Florian Eidenbenz
Music: Dominik Blum, Tamriko Kordzaia, Irina Vardeli, Ensemble Recherche u. a.
Producer: Peter Liecht
Production: Liechti Filmproduktion
Switzerland, 2013, 93'