Helena Třeštíková's Retrospective  

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Doomed Beauty

Lída Baarová: an actress whose beauty was her greatest gift as well as her curse. As a young, attractive girl she quickly became the leading Czechoslovak movie star and was able to captivate the most feared men of her era. But her affair with the Minister of Propaganda of the Third Reich, Joseph Goebbels, transformed her into an enemy of her own country and a symbol of collaboration. Helena Třeštíková filmed Lída’s open confession in the final years of her life, using unique material from several European film archives and excerpts from  her most famous film roles. This self-destructive love story, as monumental as an ancient Greek tragedy, is fatally linked to European history and provides an exceptionally honest portrait of a woman who had the world at her feet at the height of her career – which made her subsequent fall into oblivion and loneliness all the more staggering.

 Helena Třeštíková

Gimė 1949 m.tuometėje Čekoslovakijoje. Baigė dokumentinio kino studijas Prahos Kino ir TV akademijoje (FAMU). Nuo 1974 m. yra sukūrusi per penkiasdešimt dokumentinių filmų žmonių santykių ir socialinėmis temomis. Galiausiai susidomėjo „surinkto laiko“ arba „ilgalaikio stebėjimo“ (long-termobservation) kinematografija, kai filmo kūrimas trunka ilgą laiką stebint herojų gyvenimus. Nuo 2002 m. dėsto dokumentinį kiną FAMU. Pastaraisiais metais aktyviai bendradarbiauja su kino kompanija „Negativ Production“.

Selected filmography

The Miracle / Zázrak, 1975
Two Jubilees ofJan Zrzavý / Dve jubilea Jana Zrzavého, 1976
For Love / Z lásky, 1987
A Thousand Years of Sobriety / Tisíc lets trízlivosti, 1987
Marriage Stories / Manzelské etudy, 1987
Tell Me Something about Yourself, Rene / Řekni mi něco o sobě – René, 1992
Tell Me Something about Yourself, Lada / Řekni mi něco o sobě – Láďa, 1993
The Sweet Century / Sladkéstoletí, 1997
People, I Love You! / Lidé, mámvásrád!, 1998
Carmen Story, 1999
Women at theTurn of the Millennium / Zeny na prelomutisíciletí, 2001
Events of Pavel Stecha / Události Pavla Štechy, 2004

Married Couple’s Etudes after Twenty Years / Manzelské etudy po dvaceti letech, 2006
Marcela, 2007
Rene / René, 2008
Katka, 2011
Private Universe / Soukromý vesmír, 2012
Life with a Jester / Život s Kašparem, 2013
Mallory, 2015
Doomed Beauty / Zkáza krásou, 2015

Film sessions

09.25 Sunday
  • Skalvija (Vilnius) 15:00

09.27 Tuesday
  • Senamiesčio „Pasaka“ (Vilnius) 19:30


Directors: Jakub Hejna, Helena Třeštíková
Screenplay: Helena Třeštíková
Cinematography: Jaromír Nekuda, Martin Kubala, Jan Malíř
Editing: Jakub Hejna
Music: Tadeáš Věrčák
Sound: Richard Müller
Producer: Helena Třeštíková
Production: Produkce Třeštíková s. r. o.
Czech Republic, 2015, 95’